Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Luff Story


How beautiful is that. Some dear friend gave me this "command" on a special day in my life. I've tried to do so every day..... 

Seeing that this is a special weekend surrounded by love, and somehow in some or other way, all us women are just complete suckers for it, it thought it appropriate to share a few snippets from a story of love that began years ago in Dar, unfolded in the bush and is still as beautiful as the day it began ………


“… I don’t have a lot to say except that when I wiped my face there was dirt and dust on it. I’m as happy as ever….”


“… I recited poems and memoirs to my tent flaps.

I wrote lyrics in the grass in the early morning breeze.

I worked with delicate pastry using my unskilled hands

I sketched with ashes on the bare cement

But above all, I dreamt about you

About us

That is what I did today”


“ I saw you dancing today, it was around about four thirty in the afternoon, it was to Sweet Caroline. I saw your blue eyes pierce through every vain in my body, Africa was humming in my ears…..”


 " May there always be a light on in your home. May your friends always bring wine. May the vines always carry fruit and may the dogs lie on the porch..."

Enjoy this weekend and love extravagantly! Your friends, your partners and your families!

~desert rose~

1 comment:

  1. my dear friend...i remember that day so well... the rain, the flowers, the joy , the dancing and the laughing...LOVE EXTRAVAGANTLY! and how you have done that!
    thanks for making me a part of that, thanks for having me in your home, thanks for the memories...
    may their be many many more dusty days filled with that love!
