As you would have noticed, there has been quite a bit of change on the blog.
Firstly (and very very sadly) Hibiscus and Maisha have both left dusty Dar and settled in the civilized ways of Cape Town and Johannesburg respectively.
It was hard saying goodbye to two dear friends and we miss them terrible, but as Maisha herself wrote: "I asked a good friend, who was born here how she handles people coming in and out of her life. She had quite an interesting outlook on it all; she finds it refreshing to have this constant ebb and flow of new and old faces. I tend to agree with her, I think we open ourselves up more to meet new and different people we would usually not have spent time with, and in doing so you discover things about yourself."
And I am happy to announce that they are both very much alive and kicking in their new abodes. While Maisha continues to delight us with reflections on life in Johannesburg vs Dar es Salaam, Hibiscus has decided to focus a bit more on her culinary career. Go check out this immensely talented girls' stuff at But do look out for her monthly recipes on this blog - she just can't leave us completely...yet!
As for myself and Frangipani, there has been hook-ups and break-ups, disasters and delight! After some uncertain months we are back in Dar for at least another year and very much excited for what lies ahead. We have settled into a nice routine with the boys next door (we provide food, they provide vino) and with the addition of a couple of pieces of furniture (and off course Konyagi!) we are comfortable in Dar indeed!
Through all the chaos, the teary fair wells, the heartache and the drama, Desert Rose has been our constant reminder that sanity does still exist and eventually prevails! Always ready to feed us with a lasagna in the oven or console us over a glass/bottle of wine, she has an ability to make things better or at least seem better than they appear! Is that another of the wise gifts that come with motherhood? Speaking of which...if all else fails, there is always Moo to give you a hug or tell you a story about a "hipopipopotimus" that is bound to make the world a better place!
{Giveaway} 3CE Lip Colour
7 years ago
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