the street and parkinglot of Oysterbay shopping centre
For the last couple of weeks the heat in Dar has been extreme, coupled with no aircon, numerous power failures and no generator at home it has become down right unbearable. The short rains in November never arrived so with all this talk of Global Warming everybody was wondering if the rainy season would ever arrive to provide some relief.
On saturday someone remarked that the 21st of March is the official start of the rainy season and that most of the Safari camps effected by the rains have closed. A bit over confident in my opinion. Sunday( the 21st) dawned as a blazingly hot day, not a cloud in sight. Monday...twice as hot and twice as humid. And then...some time in the early hours of tuesday morning the heavens opened and Rainy Season announced its arrival with a downpour of note a mere two days late. And like anything in Dar and actually in Africa not a halfhearted attempt. When its hot, its blazing hot and when it rains it pours...
After spending two Tuesday nights (while Greys Anatomy is on) without power flat on our backs on the verandah. using a weak torch to see and lots of chocolate to try and cool down the cooler, cloudy weather is very welcome.
Just keep in mind that most roads in Dar are still dirt and the drainage none existent thus turning innocent looking roads into raging rivers...
So for now, don't forget to pack plastic sandals or wellies and forget about those heels...although always industrious there is another way of getting around;
"Lucky for you, the strong young neighbourhood boys have the answer. These young men, who are generally unemployed and desperate to make money, offer a service: to carry you across the river so that you do not get soaked. " read more..
And at the end of it all we are treated to one of natures phenomena's...

...a rainbow...
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