Today is my mom's birthday. I am so glad that I am at home for this event!
My mom is one of the strongest, most amazing women that I know! The older and wiser (!) I become, I realize the many many sacrifices she has made over the years for her children! We never had loads of money growing up, but me, my sis and my brother had a wonderful childhood never needing anything!
And when times became really though, my mom rolled up her sleeves and started baking rusks on the kitchen table for some extra mola. Today, she employs 7 woman, together with my sister in her own bakery! You will find her rusks (under the Melissa's label) in most Pick and Pay's or Spar shops around South-Africa. How amazing is that for a little plaas vroutjie (farm lady)!
I talk a lot, and I always have something to say, but when I get really emotional, my words tend to fail me...I can never express the admiration, respect and love that I have for my mother...
Happy happy birthday mom!
It is so wonderful to be at home! All of us girls are in sunny South-Africa at the moment, so we are signing off for a while. We wish you and your families a wonderful and blessed festive season! We are going to enjoy our time with our loved ones and will be back soon enough to keep you informed of love and life in general...
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