Monday, November 30, 2009
Is home where the ♥ is?

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Queen for a Day

A weekend on Zanzibar brought back all these memories when a friend from South Africa insisted on having some Henna(the tattoo) done. We found a tiny swahili lady wrapped in colourful khangas in a duka(small shop) on the beach. After enquiring if she does henna she produced three different albums filled with designs, and not your usually chinese writing or dolphin jumping through a heart. Beautifully crafted patterns to be applied to hands and feet. I immediately fell in love with a particular hand design and just had to have it. With the back of a matchstick she carefully drew out the design, using the thickness of the henna to aid the design. Her hand was so steady as the henna stains wherever it touches. It takes about 20minutes to dry and then the henna starts to flake off, beneath it the skin is stained and stays that way for about 2weeks.
After this experience, which was so glaringly different from the Natal beach version I was interested in the history and tradition surrounding Henna Body painting. According to Wikipedia Henna has been used to adorn young women's bodies as part of social and holiday celebrations since the late Bronze Age in the eastern Mediterranean. In Tanzania Henna is used to adorn the Bride's hand and feet to make her more attractive for her husband. The bride is more elaborately bedecked, more deliberately attractive than the groom, and stands out above even the bridesmaids and female relatives; in essence, she is queen for the day. This tradition is taken very seriously and my henna painted hand suddenly took on great significance.
{Images from Rahim Yar Khan Online}
So, after years of whining I eventually got my tattoo, although I would rather call it a henna adornment and so experienced a tradition that is older than time.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
From the backseat of my bajaj

Hibiscus is living it up in London, so got an sms to ask if I can stand in for her on blog duty. While sitting in the back of the bajaj (see below) going to work this morning, I was thinking of what to say. I think I have a serious case of end of year blues. That combined with the unbearable heat, crap at work and the fact that my hunter’s gone has me feeling a little low the past couple of weeks.
But this is what I am loving about our little blog experiment – it has made us all soak up our surroundings like when we first arrived! And driving through the winding, bumpy roads of Dar, really taking in my neighbourhood, I realized again why it is that we live here and tolerate the dust and dirt. The frenzy of everyday life in Africa is just addictive! Every day is a crazy, sometimes unpleasant, mostly wonderful assault on your senses.
The beautiful flower “nurseries” next to the road provides burst of colour that mix and clash with the pretty kangas worn by the local ladies. In contrast the children wear mostly rags or nothing, but their laughter and happy shrieks add to the noise of goats bleating and taxi’s hooting. In every open space someone is selling peanuts, bananas, tomatoes or onions and outside dingy dukkas men fry cassava chips over big open fires. Long, regal looking Masai sporting beautiful beadwork jingle while they walk side by side with woman covered from head to toe in black burkas or bright sari’s. The sun beats down mercilessly on us all…
Some expats come here and hardly venture past the neatly manicured lawns of the Peninsula (an area known for big houses occupied by even bigger egos) and then go back home complaining bitterly about how harsh living in Dar is. And that is certainly is! But if you do not immerse yourself in Dar es Salaam and her people how can you say that you have really lived here an complain?
Yes I am counting down the days to my holiday in South-Africa and I cannot wait to run into the nearest Woolies food and buy everything in sight! But I will be back - hopefully minus the silly season blues! I will be back buying freshly roasted corn next to the side of the road and drinking cold local beers with my feet in the sand at Dar Live. It is the noise, the people, the vibe…and all this observed from the backseat of a bajaj, how much more is there not to discover in the hidden alleys of House of Peace?
Photo source: Google
ps...This is what the humble bajaj looks like, my preferred mode of transport. Actually, correction, this is what a brand new out of the box bajaj from Google Images looks like! The ones that we flag down are considerably more run down or in other cases pimped up! They have engines like mosquitoes and noisily wind their way through Dar traffic making them at once very dangerous and very convenient!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
A feast of flavour

I once paid $3.50 for A (as in one) tomato. It was a beautiful deep red A-grade fruit. As a tomato lover, I just added a dash of salt to what turned out to be a rather average taste bud experience. With the current global trend to towards organic foods, it has become a costly luxury to enjoy pesticide and hormone-free produce. And yet, my little splurge was 80 grams of water…5 steps out of my front door, I have found the most tasty fruit and veg from our local duka for 15 cents. Piled high and unassumingly between bursts of green, orange and yellow I now enjoy delicious tomatoes everyday cooking in the Mill house kitchen. Its just one of the things that I love about life in Dar…
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Khaki Fever Ends

I was introduced to the term Khaki Fever at one of my first girls nights in Tanzania. I thought it was a brilliant description of girls falling madly in love with the hunters and all the romantic notions that goes with them. The love struck ladies are either first timers in Tanzania or the daughters, grand daughters or wives (!) of the clients that come along on hunting safaris.
I vowed that I would never be so clichéd and get The Fever! How does that saying go…never say never! 8 months down the line I finally have to admit that I am as boringly predictable as the rest of them. I fell for a hunter.
The seasoned female ex-pat warnings fell on deaf ears and starry eyed months were spent yearning for sms’s from the bush or glorious weeks in between when he was in the city. That is until last week when his hunting safaris ended and the long dreaded fair well had to happen. He has left now to hunt in many different exotic locations until next year July whilst I stay behind to miss his strong arms wrapped around me and gentle unexpected kisses.
So may this very melancholic first post serve as a warning to any other ladies looking for love (or lust) in the dusty bars of Dar. When the hunting season starts, stay away from the often handsome, sun tanned, strong looking guys. They are most probably hunters, the gypsies of Africa. Great manners, always ready for a laugh and a party, the most fun, but inevitably on their way out of the city and away from you…
You were right Bubbles...it's tricky, but we will be ok!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Our Profiles
Infamous for her dinner parties that start with a lovely feast and end in 80’s music and dancing, Hibiscus is a bubbly baker with a love and zest for life that is infectious. She laughs a lot and aloud! She is a gifted chef and generous gal and if you are looking for her at any social occasion, she is the one that arrives with a fresh melktert, cheesecake or lemon tart decorated with flowers on a baking tray.
Desert Rose, like her name, is both strong and sweet. Even in the most trying circumstances you can count on her to come up with a plan, stay focused and then embrace and care for anyone that needs comforting. She is a tough problem solver and the most tender wife and mother. She is the proverbial pillar of strength to so many friends and family with an open door and open heart.
A little naïve, a little quirky, a lot of sunshine, that is Frangipani! The youngest of the gals, Frangipani parties till late, sleeps later and still loves everything about life in between! She will amaze you with her creative talent, her intelligence, her ready smile and her ability to dance in heels until the sun comes up!
Maisha means “life” and there is little of life that goes unnoticed by our girl! She has a keen eye for fashion and can see the wonder in a kanga pattern or a cow horn button. Soft and gentle and always beautifully groomed, she is like the Dar Animal Haven kitties that she so often adopts. Always poised, always elegant, Maisha is a real lady with a bright smile and kind heart.
A loud, deep, warm-hearted laugh and a flurry of expressive hand movements characterize the story telling of the gregarious Andizi. A dedicated helper, wine lover and friend, this lovely lady is always surrounded by people after a long day enjoying a glass of vino, on the phone with someone from home or planning an adventure into the African bush. Her intelligence and motivation have taken her to soaring heights professionally and now, taking a step back she soaks up the sun, always out and about in the markets or at the beach not allowing any opportunities to pass her by…not even a game of chess and especially not a good debate.
Swahili Time vs Mzungu Time

Monday wasn’t a good Tanzania day for me. It took me 7 hours to buy two Zanzibar beds and makuti (braided palm leaves) for my gate. ….. Really not difficult items as far as I’m concerned. Both items are available to buy next to the road. All you have to do is pull your 4x4 up onto the side of the road, haggle a bit over the price, load it up, and off you go….
Look, I speak the language fairly well, after all, I’ve been here for 5+ years, AND one of the 1st things that I learnt was to keep time – the SWAHILI way!!
It works like this: as we are almost on the equator, you tend to have perfect 12 hour cycles, no matter what the season. The first hour after sunrise is 1 o’clock (what we know as 7 o’clock in the morning), hour number 2 after sunrise is 2 o’clock, therefore – in SWAHILI TIME – midday (12 o’clock for us) is 6 o’clock. The same for night time “usiku”, not too difficult – even logical if you think about it, but you need to make sure you have your wits together when discussing time with our local friends.
Coming back to the story…. Time was of essence on Monday, my mom was visiting and I was really anxious to have a decent bed in the house for her. After repeating VARIOUS times what time I’ll collect my precious new beds and makuti – IN SWAHILI TIME , I paid my 50% deposit to dismantle everything and went away in a flurry of hand shaking and huge smiles. The agreed return time was in 2 hours so I gave them half and hour extra as I did not want to be upset, the required job should take a whole 15 min. Returning later as discussed to find that neither items were anywhere near ready, everyone was sitting exactly where I left them. No one would look me in the eye and explanations were all over the place with some dust kicking and shrugging of shoulders…. “samahani mama…” (sorry mama) Eish.
My frustration was mounting, my mom arrived in a few hours time and I had no bed in her room. Biting my tongue, we agreed on a second time – in SWAHILI. It was one of those really hot days where the humidity surrounds you like a cloud, hampering your breathing and clinging to every inch of your body.
I returned the second time to find the situation wasn’t any better, the day just ended up in pure frustration (and tears….) and my duka (shop) friends couldn’t understand why this mzungu dada (white sister) promptly voiced her disapproval at the utter lack of co-operation after literally paying for everything upfront, she promised that she’ll never come back EVER to buy anything from them. I mean how difficult is it to unscrew a few bolts and tie a couple of makuti leaves together…….
Alas, my mom arrived to a bedroom without a bed. Finally at the dusty end of the day, hot, humid and without power, I heard this chink chink on our gate and here stood these wonderful people of Africa with what I’ve been fighting for all day….
Question remains: Who’s time is the right time? We got our bed and makuti, no one slept on the floor, so why was I so impatient?
I went back two days later to buy another bed.
Desert Rose
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I still have sand in my shoes...

Coffee and Amarula Ice-cream

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Musings under the Mango Tree